Articles and Translations | 5.06.2015
by Caleb Lauer After Ilhan Bilir disappeared in 1992 his brother Ramazan started to look for him. Güllü Bilir, Ramazan’s wife, told researchers at the Istanbul-based Truth Justice Memory…
Caleb Lauer*, The National Portraits rest in 200 people’s hands. In colour or black and white, they are the faces of men, some boys, some women, most with names, many with dates — 1994…
Statements and Announcements, Activities | 23.01.2015
Press Release The Human Rights Association and the Center for Truth Justice and Memory to Become Intervening Parties in the Perinçek Case On January 28, 2015, the lawsuit Doğu Perinçek v.…
Press | 14.01.2015
With conflicts raging in the neighboring countries of Syria and Iraq, a group in Turkey is working to record the victims of its own nation’s conflicts. Hakikat Adalet Hafıza Merkezi, (The…
Activities | 9.01.2015
The video Holding Up the Photograph by Hafiza Merkezi was exhibited at “Mobilizing Memory: Women Witnessing”, hosted by DEPO from 5 September to 3 October, 2014. The video is compiled from the…
Activities | 30.12.2014
The Constitutional Court of Turkey has accepted non-governmental organizations’ requests to give legal opinion on the case of Hasan Gülünay. The legal opinion was presented as “amicus curiae”,…
Activities | 8.12.2014
Year: 2014 Original Title: Hakikat Komisyonları Editor: Murat Çelikkan Translator: Richard Dikbaş Source: Truth Justice Memory Center The report in Turkish is available for download here. Hafiza…
Year: 2014 Original Title: Hakikat Komisyonları Editor: Murat Çelikkan Translator: Richard Dikbaş Source: Truth Justice Memory Center The report in Turkish is available for download here.…
Articles and Translations | 14.10.2014
Doğan Güreş, who served as the 21st Chief of General Staff from 6 December 1990 to 30 August 1994, passed away today at the Ankara GATA Hospital where he was being treated During Doğan Güreş’s term…
Activities | 16.09.2014
Year: 2014 Original Title: The Problem of Impunity: Investigation Phase Author: Gülşah Kurt Source: Truth Justice Memory Center The Truth Justice Memory Center has published its new report…
Articles and Translations | 2.09.2014
Enforced disappearance is one of the most striking forms of state violence and terror in the world, and therefore its application is not limited to Turkey. Below is a compilation of films,…
Articles and Translations | 28.08.2014
The exhibition “20 Dollars 20 Kilos”, held during March 5th – April 5th at DEPO İstanbul (Tütün Deposu), sheds light on a rarely known case that occurred 50 years ago. This exhibition is a…
6 Children 4 Streets Diyarbakır is a youth story-telling project implemented within the framework of Memory Center's Learning from the Past, Transforming Today. The project has…
Statements and Announcements | 18.07.2014
Below is a short statement by Zochrot on the occasion of the recent Israeli offensive on Gaza Strip. Zochrot is a Palestinian NGO working to promote awareness of the Palestinian Nakba ("Catastrophe…
Press | 11.07.2014
Özgür Sevgi Göral Mehmet Ağar today enters cross-examination for the unsolved murders that took place in the 90s. Özgür Sevgi Göral, a founder and program manager at the Truth Justice Memory Center…
Articles and Translations | 1.07.2014
Interview: Emel Ataktürk * As a lawyer who has pursued a high number of lawsuits on enforced disappearances and unsolved murders, and also a person who has lived in Şırnak, could you give us a brief…
Activities | 24.06.2014
Özlem Kaya from the Truth Justice Memory Center took part in the conference titled Women in War, held in Sarajevo on 7-8 June [, 2014]. At the conference, Özlem Kaya presented the report titled ‘…
Activities | 19.06.2014
June 2014 The Memory Center's Fight Against Impunity Group continues to conduct research in collaboration with academicians, analyze case files regarding disappeared persons and follow up on cases…
Activities | 6.06.2014
Experiences of the Women Whose Husbands were Forcibly Disppeared Author: Özlem Kaya, Hatice Bozkurt Source: Truth Justice Memory Center The report prepared by Truth Justice Memory Center…
Activities | 5.06.2014
The project Learning from the Past, Changing Today - implemented by Hafiza Merkezi - aimed to support youth's participation in the process of reconciliation and dealing with the past in…