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Keep the Volume Up: Rights Defenders’ Almanac 2022

Writer: Banu Tuna, Burcu Ballıktaş Bingöllü

Original Name: Hak Savunucuları için Sessiz Kalma: Almanak 2022

Publication Date: 2023

Publisher: Hakikat Adalet Hafıza Merkezi

Translator: Peter Klempner


Hafıza Merkezi initiated monitoring, reporting and support-based activities for human rights defenders in response to pressures and the shrinking civil space in 2018. In line with our monitoring and documentation efforts in this field, we published our report titled Keep the Volume Up: Intimidation Policies Against Rights Defenders in 2022, aiming to provide a legal analysis of the data we collected. In this report we sought to highlight a comprehensive intervention repertoire of administrative and legal measures, which constituted a basis for unlawful and antidemocratic policies.

With Rights Defenders’ Almanac 2022, we now aim to present the repressive environment and practices that civil society organizations and rights-based struggles faced in 2022, based on the categories of interventions identified through the judiciary, public authorities, and media.